Everyone has goals right? Well here are a few of mine. Some I suppose are in reach, others....not so much. But I wanted to right them all down just the same. Here we go...
* Start sewing more often
* Try my hand at knitting
* Start a garden (organic of course)
* Get my dreads looking nice....it seems like they never will
* Go through all of my stuff and donate a ton of stuff. (Of course only to make room for more stuff, but I swear I plan to buy stuff that will truly stand the test of time...EX: no more plastics for my babe...instead more wood, wool, and natural materials like that.)
* Read more....more to myself and more to my little one
* Go through my really awesome craft book and try some out.
* Be in nature more often. I really do like the outdoors, but just too cold right now.
* Not to diet, but to be more healthy......
* Find more awesome, healthy, and cheap recipes to cook and feed my family.
* Do more needle felting
* Make at least one blanket for "Brady's Smile" charity. http://www.bradyssmile.com/
* On that (above) note... Go to the fabric store more often.
* Be more confident
* Be the best mama I can be.
Much, much more on my mind, but ... you know how it is.